Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Do you know what Super-glue tastes like? Luke does!

Yes- Luke has wowed us again. Quite a funny story now that it is over. I was taking a bath and I heard Luke crying. Well- that is nothing new because he screams when I do not answer him the first time. I think he may actually whine more than I did as a kiddo. Well he finally came up stairs and in one hand was super-glue and his mouth was open and he was crying because his tongue was stuck to his teeth. Well- I do not handle stressful situations well so I jump out of the bathtub SCREAMING - oh no - oh no- what do I do? over and over. So he is crying and I am making the situation worse my jumping and yelling. Which might put him in therapy by the way- can you imagine seeing your mother jumping up and down screaming naked? OK- enough said about that subject. I finally calmed down and pulled the super glue off of his teeth and that released his tongue and then I was able to peel it off of his tongue. It pulled the first layer of skin off but he could care less. He was just happy to have his tongue free. Who cares about the blood he was spitting into the sink. He could talk again. :-)


Stephanie said...

I am surprised you didn't call an ambulance.

Ms. Sarah Sullivan said...

oh my lord...nikki, that boy is going to give you a heartattack! it did have me laughing though:)
gosh, the story about blake scares the heck out of me! i dread the day my girls start liking boys. aaron will freak out!
by the way, miss you! call me sometime!

Becky said...

I am cracking up right now!

Liz in Memphis said...

Shut up. I am going to put Luke in my pocket next time I see him and take him with me. I am cracking up.