It has been way too long since I have posted. I am not great at this because it takes what little time I have left over and consumes all of it! Well- Blake's headaches are getting closer together and he is having to miss half days at school here and there. For those of you who do not know, Blake and his daddy suffer from migraines. Sometimes they are severe and other times they are not as bad but for a 9 year old they are all BAD.
Today we are starting a process that leans more toward natural healing. This weekend I started researching a Gluten Free diet thanks to my friend Brooke. I have been very impressed with what I have read. Dr. Asa Andrews believes their is a connection between gluten and headaches. So today we have eliminated all wheat and flour from Matthew and Blake's diet. OH NO- you might ask- Is this the end of chips, snacks, cakes, and breads????? Well- last night I made a trip to the oh so expensive Whole Foods market and I just wanted to sit in the aisle and cry. There were so many choices and I did not want to spend a fortune on snacks that taste like dirt! My first experience with a gluten free shortbread cookie was a bad one. The birds probably left that cookie in my yard it was so bad.
Well- as I was frustrated God sent a couple of angels in my path. Some were headache sufferers that were buying gluten free products and others had digestive problems. They pointed away from the bad stuff and toward the good stuff.
So- I am proud to say that Matthew and Blake sampled tons of yummy treats that I brought home last night and only ONE was a no go!
Blake had gluten free waffles this morning and in his lunch box he had a parfait with gluten free granola and organic fruit. He also had a gluten free rice cake topped with peanut butter and honey, which he loved tasting last night. For a treat I added a gluten free chocolate wafer cookie that tasted amazingly good.
For his snack he took nut thins. They are crackers that are made out of almonds and rice and they are flavored with ranch seasoning. They are sooooooooooo GOOD!
So- as odd as all of this sounds it is very tasty. I packed Matthew the same lunch. He did not want to full blown parfait so I omitted the yogurt and sent that separate.
Tomorrow I am thinking I will pack a baked potato stuffed with cheese and butter and sour cream. Thank the good Lord he can still have potatoes and rice!!!!!!!!!!! They only meet we have to stay away from is Pork. But after reading about how disgusting pork is I am fine with my decision. Pigs are scavengers and they eat some pretty nasty things and then we turn around and eat them. And shellfish are the scavengers of the sea and their main job in life is to keep our oceans clean from waste. Just some food for thought!
Blake is looking at this as a fun adventure!!!! I am so proud of him.