Sunday, July 20, 2008

Yes- My son stuck his head in the urinal at Target!

Well- as we were walking in Target Luke is being sour and not wanting to walk. I refused to get a cart because I only had to pick up three things. He finally got over the fact that he was going to have to walk and then he started dancing around. I recognized the pee pee dance and Matthew and I asked his brother to take him to the bathroom. 15 minutes later Blake is laughing at his soaked brother and in front of all of the ladies at the check out lane he informed us all that Luke was flushing the urinal and putting his head in it! Can I get some antibacterial wipes please is the only thing that I could think of to say!


Ms. Sarah Sullivan said...

i LOVE the pix of the boys at the top! luke is hilarious! glad you had a fun vaca. and the house looks incredible! ya know we got a storm shelter too, and had the sirens go off 3 times the week after we got it!!! it really does make me feel better when there are warnings out.
miss you!

Courtney said...

I love this story! Cole became fascinated with urinals while we were in Florida. He refused to let me take him to a bathroom b/c mine didn't have urinals. The pic at the top is so cute!